28 July 2006

Motive Actions

Some Questions ...

What gets you up in the morning?

What lights your fire?

What will make you drop everything and do it?

What are your Hot Buttons?

What are your dreams and burning ambitions?

I ask many people this and they struggle to give me an answer. Whether it is why they have attended a workshop or perhaps a longer term life goal, they have trouble in saying why they are doing what they are doing and where they are going.

No wonder only about 3% ever achieve their life dreams.

Oh sure, many say they are OK, that life is "fine", ...... "can't complain" "mustn't grumble"... you've heard them too. Because these people have accepted their lot. They've essentially 'given up'. resigned to a life of 'ordinaryness'. Mundane, meaningless without any ambition.

Find Inspirational Quotes Here.

John Gordon
Motivation Magic